Стр. | 2009 г., Выпуск 4 |
3 - 5 |
A.A. Leptyukhov, P.A. Kharitonov, L.T. Chernyavsky
ESTIMATION OF THE 7.И12 FACTOR LEVELS BY USING OF DESIGN-ARRANGE MODEL OF THE AIRCRAFT CONTROL SYSTEM EQUIPMENT AND «МАТЕРИАЛ» AND «ТРИАДА» SOFTWARE An approach to determination of the 7И12 factor levels distributed within an instrument compartment of the aircraft control system equipment on a basis of use of the three-dimensional design-arrange model and «МАТЕРИАЛ» and «ТРИАДА» software is outlined. Keywords: aircraft, control system. |
6 - 10 |
M.S. Gorbunov, G.I. Zebrev, P.N. Osipenko
MODELING OF RADIATION INDUCED LEAKAGE IN THE MOS TECHNOLOGY ELEMENTS A physical model of radiation induced charge accumulation in the oxides of the modern MOS technology allowing predicting full dose effects was developed. A procedure of extraction of the SPICE parameters of the radiation induced equivalent spurious transistor was proposed. This procedure allows modeling the side leakage on the transistor level. The modeling results correlate with the experimental data on test MOS transistors. Keywords: modeling, radiation induced charge, transistor. |
11 - 15 |
V.N. Ustyuzhaninov, T.N. Frolova
CHARACTERISTICS OF POWER BIPOLAR TRANSISTORS IN THE FIELDS OF CORPUSCULAR RADIATION Main regularities of the power bipolar characteristics degradation in the fields of corpuscular radiation are established. Keywords: power bipolar transistors, corpuscular radiation, failures. |
16 - 21 |
V.N. Ustyuzhaninov, T.N. Frolova
OPERATING AND RADIATION DEGRADATION OF POWER BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR DYNAMIC PARAMETERS A joint action of effects of the operating and radiation degradation of power bipolar transistor electrical parameters on dynamic characteristics of the switching processes under conditions of limited values of switched currents and voltages is considered. Keywords: power bipolar transistors, radiation resistance. |
22 - 25 |
V.N. Ustyuzhaninov, T.N. Frolova, V.I. Butin
OPERATING AND RADIATION DEPENDENCE OF PARAMETERS OF POWER SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES STRAIGHT CONNECTION Regularities of front forming in the power semiconductor devices with heterogeneous base were investigated. Results of mathematical modeling of operating and radiation factors impact on the parameters of power semiconductor devices straight connection are presented. Keywords: power semiconductor devices, radiation resistance. |
26 - 28 |
A.D. Mokrushin, V.P. Goncharov, M.M. Filatov
PREDICTION OF RADIATION BEHAVIOR OF THE TWO-GATE FIELD HALL GENERATOR Measurements of current-gate and Hall-gate characteristics of the field Hall generator in accordance with the positive bias on each gate, also in accordance with the gamma-radiation dose, were carried out. Comparison of these characteristics allowed establishing a correlation between dose and positive gate bias values responsible for equivalent changes of the sensor operating current or Hall voltage. Such correlation can form the basis for prediction of the field Hall generator radiation behavior on results of measurements of the reference sensor characteristics. Keywords: field Hall generator, prediction |
29 - 32 |
I.B. Yashanin, A.V. Skobelev, O.V. Raspopina
IMPACT OF PARAMETERS OF THE INITIAL ‘SILICON ON SAPPHIRE’ STRUCTURES ON THE IC DOSE DEGRADATION Impact of the board epitaxial layer and quality of the boundary region of initial ‘silicon on sapphire’ structures on the dose degradation of the static current consumption of MOS/SNS LSI is examined. Keywords: consumption current. |
33 - 35 |
I.B. Yashanin, A.V. Scobelev, V.V. Maslov, G.G. Davydov
IMPACT OF MANUFACTURING METHOD ON THE DOSE DEGRADATION OF SOD/MOS LSI CONSUMPTION CURRENT Based on the performed investigations a correction of the IC manufacturing method on the SOD structures was proposed, resulting in increasing of their resistance to the dose action. Keywords: consumption current. |
36 - 38 |
V.A Nikolsky, O. A. Tarasov, D. A. Kobernik
DEVELOPMENT OF HIGH-EFFECTIVE METHODS OF THE COMPLEX ELECTRODYNAMICS PROBLEM WITH USE OF THE MULTIPROCESSOR COMPUTING SYSTEM By the example of computational solution of the diffraction problem peculiarities of the organization of parallel computation algorithms in the standard MPI, as applied to the solution of the two-dimensional integral equations by moment methods in the frequency region and to the finite difference solution technique of the three-dimensional system of Maxwell equations in the time region, are considered. For the specified approaches acceleration degreases of the performed tasks and effective application percent of the multiprocessor computing system are determined. Keywords: multiprocessor computing system. |
39 - 42 |
V.A. Nikolsky, O.A. Tarasov
METHOD OF REPRESENTATION OF ELECTROMAGNETIC SHIELD GEOMETRICALLY COMPLICATED SLOT STRUCTURES ON THE DESIGN NET A short description of the method allowing getting around the problem of representation of the geometrically complicated slot structures on the design net in the finite-difference solution technique of the three-dimensional system of Maxwell equations is presented. Results of its testing are shown by the example of a slot structure in the form of magnetic dipole comprising an analog to the elementary re-emitting through the wall shield and having an exact relationship for calculating of the re-emitted fields. Keywords: slot structure, electric discontinuity, electromagnetic field, finite difference method. |
43 - 48 |
A.A. Romanenko, V. F. Zinchenko, V. D. Shiyan
DESIGN-EXPERIMENTAL METHODS OF CONSIDERATION AND ESTIMATION OF IMPACT OF THE PULSED GAMMA-RADIATION SHAPE ON RESPONSE OF ELECTRONIC DEVICES A design-experimental method of consideration of impact of the ionizing radiation pulse shape by performing resistance tests of the electronic devices suited to the requirements and terminology of the standard ‘Klimat-7’ is proposed. The method is based on the experimental estimation of the device ionization reaction representative time through their irradiation on the two modeling installations with radiation pulse durations about 20 nanoseconds and 1 – 4 microseconds and numerical solution of an integral equation describing device response to the action of the ionizing radiation pulse. Keywords: consideration and estimation method, radiation resistance, electronic devices. |
49 - 51 |
P.A. Kharitonov, S.Y. Malkov, V.V. Goncharov, P.V. Proshunin, K.P. Kharitonov
MODEL OF AN OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER FOR ESTIMATING ITS RESISTANCE TO THE ACTION OF GAMMA-RADIATION An operational amplifier model was developed in this paper. An analysis of results of modeling of the operational amplifier 1417УД6А1 response to the action of gamma-radiation by means of Matlab 6/5+Simulink 5/6 was carried out. Keywords: operational amplifier, gamma-radiation, radiation resistance. |
52 - 55 |
V.A. Minko, P.A. Kharitonov, K.A. Gritsenko, O.P. Ivanyuta, I.V. Puchko
ON ASSESSMENT OF RESISTANCE OF FIBER-OPTIC COMMUNICATION LINES TO THE ACTION OF SPECIAL FACTORS Analysis of results of tests of the next optical fibers: Fujikura FutureGuide®-LA type G.655 with non-zero biased dispersion, Fujikura FutureGuide®-LWP type G.652.D with step distribution of refractive index, CORNING WL-4020718. to the action of special factors was performed. A preliminary choose of the optical fiber type for development of the fiber-optic communication lines was made. Keywords: fiber-optical line, radiation testing. |
56 - 59 |
A.V. Anisimov, D.V. Koynov
USING OF THE GAS-DISCHARGE DEVICES WITH MICROMETER INTERELECTRODE DISTANCE FOR OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION OF ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT Arrangements for overvoltage pulse protection of the TR radio electronic equipment of metric and decimetric waves are investigated. It was shown that the existing means of protection do not provide the required limiting level. A high-speed gas-discharge device was developed and investigated. Use of this device in the means of protection provides the resistance of equipments. Keywords: electromagnetic pulse, radio electronic equipment. |
60 - 62 |
O.S. Mamin, N.Y. Shevchenko, V.A. |Chernov, M.E. Gerasimov
INVESTIGATIONS ON RESISTANCE OF PIEZOELECTRIC COMPOSITE ELEMENTS TO THE IONIZING RADIATION Investigations on resistance of piezoelectric composite elements made of piezoelectric ceramic ЦТС-26 П to the ionizing radiation were originally performed. Effect of parameters Ф0,1 and РΥ; on device serviceability was studied and possible reasons of the electrical parameter changing were established. Keywords: piezoelectric composite elements. |
63 - 63 |
O.S. Mamin, N.Y. Shevchenko, M.Y. Gerasimov
INVESTIGATIONS OF MONOLITHIC PIEZOELECTRIC CERAMIC ELEMENTS ON RESISTANCE TO THE IONIZING RADIATION Investigations of monolithic piezoelectric ceramic elements made of piezoelectric ceramics ЦТС-19 and ПКЛ-1 on the radiation resistance are performed. Effect of parameters Ф0,1 and РΥon device serviceability was studied and possible reasons of the output voltage changing on the resonance frequency and drift of electric parameters were established. Keywords: piezoelectric ceramic elements. |
64 - 66 |
V.A. Kamensky, N.G. Mordasov, D.M. Ivaschenko, A.M. Chlenov
FORMATIONS OF DIPLOID ELECTRON AND BREMSSTRAHLUNG BEAMS ON THE ACCELERATOR UIN-10 Conditions of formations of diploid beams of electron and bremsstrahlung radiation when operating at generation of the nanosecond diapason bremsstrahlung pulse are defined. It was shown that because of a bend of the accelerating tube vacuum coaxial line through 90 degrees a second vacuum diode forms between its electrodes directly after the discontinuity section in the early stage of the magnetic self-insulation regime settling time. The amplitude-time characteristics of the bremsstrahlung pulse forming by this diode are investigated. Keywords: bremsstrahlung, magnetic self-insulation. |
67 - 71 |
D.M. Ivaschenko, N.G. Mordasov, A.M. Chlenov
FORMATION OF HIGH-INTENSITY BREMSSTRAHLUNG UNDER CONDITIONS OF CRITICAL THERMODYNAMIC LOAD ON THE CONVERTING TARGET The ways of increasing of the bremsstrahlung dynamic dose load in the test specimen radiation plane under conditions of thermodynamic load growth on the target convertor at limited energy store of the accelerator UIN-10 electron beam are determined. The values of focal spot pressure, thermomechanical compression momentum and momentum of the fragments ejected from the convertor are estimated experimentally. The depth of initiation of spreading stresses in the converter and their forming time are estimated. Keywords: bremsstrahlung, converting target. |
72 - 74 |
N.G. Mordasov, A.P. Metelyov, D.M. Ivaschenko, A.M. Chlenov
INVESTIGATION OF OPERATING CONDITIONS OF THE HIGH-POWER ELECTRON ACCELERATOR UIN-10 ACCELERATION TUBE By means of the created diagnostic system were investigated operating mode and characteristics of the accelerator UIN-10 accelerating tube. Distributions of energy losses by running of the electromagnetic pulse along the coaxial vacuum line and their impact on forming of the bremsstrahlung pulse were determined. It was shown that duration of the bremsstrahlung pulse leading edge is determined from the magnetic self-insulation regime settling time in the line. Keywords: bremsstrahlung, diagnostic system, magnetic self-insulation. |
75 - 77 |
Y.P. Bakulin, Y.N. Danilovich, A.P. Mayorova, L.L. Medvedev, S.N. Yashin
RESULTS OF STUDIES ON THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE THERMOLUMINESCENT INSTALLATION ДВГ-02 ТМ The possibility to use the installations ДВГ-02 ТМ for performing measurements of photon radiation of modeling devices employed in the program “Radiation resistance of electronic equipment and components” was investigated. Keywords: thermoluminescent installation, dose dependence, reproducibility, measurement error. |
78 - 80 |
N.I. Terentyev
INVESTIGATIONS ON MEASURING CHANNELS PULSE CHARACTERISTICS FOR DYNAMIC DOSIMETRY Pulse characteristics of measuring channels used for dynamic dosimetry on the modeling devices of RISI were determined by estimating of channels pulse characteristics and their later convolution. Pulse characteristics of channels used on the pulse X-ray unit MIRA-5B are thoroughly examined. Keywords: X-ray unit MIRA-5B, method op pulse characteristics measurement. |